5 – 6 October 2024

The Halberg Games South is back for 2024 will take place on Saturday 5 October – Sunday 6 October at Ngā Puna Wai Sports Hub and Rangi Ruru Girls’ School in Christchurch.

With over 20 sports, an opening ceremony and family festival activities the Halberg Games So is one not to be missed!

Got more questions about the Halberg Games South 2024? Don’t worry we’ve got you covered! Here are our FAQs answered for your convenience. 

Halberg Games South 2024 Schedule

If you still have queries or want more information, please feel free to contact us at [email protected], we’re here to assist you!

Registrations Now Open


Emergency Contact Details

Please note that complimentary t-shirts are available to athletes who have registered prior to 2 August 2024

Accommodation Accessibility

Saturday, 5 October 2024
Athletics (Track)

Athletics (Field)

Saturday Afternoon
Saturday (3pm)
Saturday (4pm)
Sunday, 6 October 2024
Sunday Morning
Sunday (8.30am)
Sunday (9.30am)
PLEASE NOTE: Powerchair Football will run alongside swimming from 11am
Please Note: Junior swimming will run from 11am and senior swimming will run from 12.30pm

Formal Classification
If you have an international, national, or provisional classification for the following sports, please state your class below.

If you are unsure, ignore this section. 

Please note: Athletics and Swimming will be split by junior and senior athletes. Juniors will be 12 and under, Seniors will be 13 and over. Classified athletes will be competing in the same races with non classified athletes, however, results will be grouped together with other classified athletes at the completion of the Games.


Emergency Contact Details

Please note that complimentary t-shirts are available to athletes who have registered prior to 2 August 2024

Accommodation Accessibility

Saturday, 5 October 2024
Athletics (Track)

Athletics (Field)

Saturday Afternoon
Saturday (3pm)
Saturday (4pm)
Sunday, 6 October 2024
Sunday Morning
Sunday (8.30am)
Sunday (9.30am)
PLEASE NOTE: Powerchair Football will run alongside swimming from 11am
Please Note: Junior swimming will run from 11am and senior swimming will run from 12.30pm

Formal Classification
If you have an international, national, or provisional classification for the following sports, please state your class below.

If you are unsure, ignore this section. 

Please note: Athletics and Swimming will be split by junior and senior athletes. Juniors will be 12 and under, Seniors will be 13 and over. Classified athletes will be competing in the same races with non classified athletes, however, results will be grouped together with other classified athletes at the completion of the Games.

Additional Supporters/Whānau Registration

PLEASE NOTE: It is compulsory to register at least one supporter with each participant and everyone who is staying on site. 

additional person, click  'register another person' at the bottom of this section. This will allow you to add as many additional supporters to the same group as needed.   


Accommodation Accessibility

Please list all the family/whanau/support people who will be attending alongside this young person. Please use first and last name. 

NOTE: Further information on invoicing will be provided closer to the event, in alignment with your local Parafed.

Terms & Conditions

1. Criteria

To compete at the 2024 Halberg Games South, you must be aged 8-21 years as of 1 October 2024 with a physical or visual impairment.


2. Fitness

If there are any concerns around your physical fitness, please seek medical advice prior to attending the 2024 Halberg Games South.


3. Injury

You acknowledge that this event involves the potential risk of serious injury from various causes including over exertion, equipment failure, dehydration, accidents with other participants, spectators or road users, course or weather conditions and other causes. You acknowledge and accept that all reasonable safety precautions undertaken by the organisers (such as course supervision, participation safety briefings) are a service to all participants but are not a guarantee of safety. 


4. Accidents

Compensation for any injury received, or for any personal expenditure made as the result of any accident during your participation in any event or activity related in any way to Halberg Games South shall be limited to whatever, if any, compensation may be agreed to or awarded by the New Zealand Accident Compensation Corporation. 


5. Rules

You must abide by the rules and regulations as set down by the sports body organising the specific sports event in which you have entered (“the Sport”) and also the Halberg Games Organising Team. You agree that failure to comply with the designated rules may result in your exclusion from the event and that you are responsible for any consequences of your failure to observe the rules and regulations. 


6. Age Policy

Your age must be within the range 8-21 years on 1 October 2024.


7. Privacy Policy

The Halberg Foundation has a privacy policy for data collection. The information provided in your registration form will only be used for the Halberg Games event and any communication from the Halberg Foundation.


8. Personal Belongings

You acknowledge that you are fully responsible for the security of your personal possessions at the event. The Halberg Foundation does not accept any liability for any belongings that are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed in relation to this event.


9. Food

If your registration includes meals, you will be required to confirm any special dietary needs by 16 September 2024 to the events team via the registration form or by email to [email protected]


10. Drug and Alcohol Policy

There is to be strictly no drugs or alcohol for the duration of the Halberg Games South event with the exception of medication and prescribed drugs. Any athlete found under the influence or in possession of such items could be excluded from the Halberg Games South event and the Games Village. 


11. Smoke Free Event

This is a smoke free event and all of the facilities and venues being used are also smoke free.

12. Refund and Cancellation

You will be entitled to a refund if your request is made no later than 5.00pm on 23 September 2024. Any refund of fees will be subject to the deduction of $30 administration fee. Any refund requests received after 5pm on 23 September 2024 are subject to a 100% cancellation fee. The refund policy will be applied in every case without regard to the reason for any withdrawal, with the exception of a Covid-19 related Government directive, see below. No refunds will be issued if any of the sports are cancelled. 


13. Disclaimer

The Halberg Foundation and/or any sport organiser will not be held liable for any damage

in relation to any event or function being held as part of or in conjunction with Halberg Games South. 


14. Check in Policy and Procedure

Every participant and supporter is required to be checked in at Ngā Puna Wai or Rangi Ruru Girls School prior to participating at the Halberg Games South event.


15. Code of Conduct

By registering, all participants and supporters agree to follow the Halberg Games code of conduct policy as identified in the registration form. Failure to comply with the code could result in exclusion from the event.


16. Pricing and Registration Availability 

All registration types listed are priced in New Zealand dollars and are inclusive of GST. Each purchase may attract a service fee, which is inclusive of GST and credit card processing fees and booking fees.

17. Other Terms 

The event organiser may reserve the following rights:

  1. Admission to sessions, latecomers may not be admitted until a suitable break, or at all should this affect the session for others.
  2. Change/withdraw advertised sessions, sports, accommodation, and programs without notice.

First Aid Consent

If you are under 18 years of age, please have your parent or legal guardian answer the below consent for first aid.

I authorise staff/volunteers at the Halberg Games South who are trained in the basics of first aid, or the Rangi Ruru Girls School nurse to give my child first aid/CPR when appropriate. I understand that every effort will be made to contact me in the event of an emergency requiring medical attention for my child.  However, if I cannot be reached, I hereby authorize Halberg Foundation, on advice from the nurse, to transport my child to the nearest accident and emergency centre or Hospital to secure necessary medical treatment for my child.

Media & Photo Consent

In order to promote the work of the Halberg Foundation, we often profile those attending the Halberg Games South on social media, as well as in print/online public relations material including video footage. All material collected is used specifically to enhance the work of the Halberg Foundation. Images and content may also be supplied to external news media and Halberg sector partners to further achieve this goal. It is important for our ongoing success that we continue to develop this material. Media will also be invited to attend and film attendees participating in the event. 

Please advise below if you are happy that we, and any other party we contact, use images or video footage that may include you, taken during this event. If you are under 18, please ask a parent/guardian to read this form and tick the below to confirm. On behalf of the Halberg Foundation, thank you for your co-operation. 

By registering to attend the Halberg Games South, I confirm that I (or my parent/guardian if I am under 18 years of age) give permission to be photographed and/or filmed and I am aware of and consent to the following: 

 Photographs or films I feature in may appear in Halberg Foundation material, including the Halberg Foundation’s website, social media, print media and public relations material. 

Photographs and film material may be shared with sector partners such as, Sport New Zealand, Paralympics New Zealand and the Parafed Network as well as New Zealand media networks.

Photographic or video footage I feature in may be used to promote future events associated with the Halberg Foundation. 

Media, including, but not limited to What Now, TV1, Three may photograph or film me at this event. 

I have the right to access all images and video footage held by the Halberg Foundation in relation to me. 

 I also confirm that this consent is given voluntarily and I understand that it may be withdrawn by me (or my parent/guardian if I am under 18 years of age) at any time, upon written notice.